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Англо-русский юридический словарь - volunteer


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1) лицо, ведущее чужие дела без поручения

2) лицо, владеющее правовым титулом в силу акта передачи его без встречного удовлетворения

3) доброволец; волонтёр; лицо, действующее по доброй воле

4) добровольно взять на себя что-л. ; вести чужие дела без поручения

5) поступать добровольцем на военную службу

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См. в других словарях

   1. noun  1) доброволец, волонтер  2) attr. добровольный, добровольческий  3) attr. растущий самопроизвольно; volunteer plant - растение, выросшее самопроизвольно, самосевное растение  2. v.  1) предлагать (свою помощь, услуги); вызваться добровольно (сделать что-л.) (for); How many young men in the World War I volunteered for the army?  2) поступить добровольцем на военную службу Syn: see offer ...
Англо-русский словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a person who voluntarily undertakes a task or enters military or other service, esp. Mil. hist. a member of any of the corps of voluntary soldiers formerly organized in the UK and provided with instructors, arms, etc., by the State. 2 (usu. attrib.) a self-sown plant. --v. 1 tr. (often foll. by to + infin.) undertake or offer (one's services, a remark or explanation, etc.) voluntarily. 2 intr. (often foll. by for) make a voluntary offer of one's services; be a volunteer. Etymology: F volontaire (as VOLUNTARY), assim. to -EER ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: obsolete French voluntaire (now volontaire), from voluntaire, adjective, voluntary, from Old French, from Latin voluntarius  Date: circa 1600  1. a person who voluntarily undertakes or expresses a willingness to undertake a service: as  a. one who enters into military service voluntarily  b.  (1) one who renders a service or takes part in a transaction while having no legal concern or interest  (2) one who receives a conveyance or transfer of property without giving valuable consideration  2. a ~ plant  3. capitalized Volunteers of America a member of a quasi-military religious and philanthropic organization founded in 1896 by Commander and Mrs. Ballington Booth  II. adjective  Date: 1649  1. being, consisting of, or engaged in by ~s a ~ army busy with ~ activities  2. growing spontaneously without direct human control or supervision especially from seeds lost from a previous crop ~ corn plants  III. verb  Date: circa 1755  intransitive verb to offer oneself as a ~ ~ed to host the meeting  transitive verb to offer or bestow voluntarily ~ one's services ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (volunteers, volunteering, volunteered) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A volunteer is someone who does work without being paid for it, because they want to do it. She now helps in a local school as a volunteer three days a week... Mike was a member of the local volunteer fire brigade. N-COUNT 2. A volunteer is someone who offers to do a particular task or job without being forced to do it. Right. What I want now is two volunteers to come down to the front... N-COUNT 3. If you volunteer to do something, you offer to do it without being forced to do it. Aunt Mary volunteered to clean up the kitchen... He volunteered for the army in 1939... She volunteered as a nurse in a soldiers’ rest-home... He’s volunteered his services as a chauffeur. VERB: V to-inf, V for n, V as n, V n, also V 4. If you volunteer information, you tell someone something without being asked. (FORMAL) The room was quiet; no one volunteered any further information... ‘They were both great supporters of Franco,’ Ryle volunteered... The next week, Phillida volunteered that they were getting on better. VERB: V n, V with quote, V that 5. A volunteer is someone who chooses to join the armed forces, especially during a war, as opposed to someone who is forced to join by law. They fought as volunteers with the Afghan guerrillas... N-COUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 someone who does something without being paid, or who is willing to offer to help someone  (Most of the relief work was done by volunteers. | I need some volunteers to clean up the kitchen.) 2 someone who offers to join the army, navy, or air force ~2 v 1 to offer to do something with- out expecting any reward, usually something that other people do not want to do  (volunteer to do sth)  (The company volunteered to donate fifty trucks to help the war effort.) + for  (Sidcup volunteered for guard duty.) volunteer your services/help/advice I volunteered my services as a teacher. 2 to tell someone something without being asked  (Michael volunteered the information before I had a chance to ask.) 3 to offer to join the army, navy, or airforce  (When war broke out, my father volunteered immediately.) 4 to say that someone else will do a job even though they may not want to  (volunteer sb for sth)  (Mum volunteered Dave for washing-up duties.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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